hello all..with tax season coming up and being one of the busiest times of the year... i was thinking of buying a couple new machines... a shader and a liner... i have a pulse executive liner... and the solution shader... i love my solution machine will never stop using it... was wanting some input on some machines that are out there from some reputable builders... workhorse irons is right down the road from the shop i currently work at and ive been wanting one from them for awhuile... i think i will try soba's pilot liner... was even thinking of the clipper shader... but at $300+ a pop for machines id like to get some input on machines before throwing my money out there
I just bought 3 new machines from Union Machines. They are beautiful, custom one of a kind, prompt delivery, excellent service, lifetime warranty, and they perform amazingly. Highly recommended them, and no, I wasn't paid to say that.